How to Grow Magic Mushrooms

Psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms or shrooms, are surprisingly easy to grow. All you need is some basic equipment, a substrate, some spores, and a little patience. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about how to grow magic mushrooms at home. Before you know it, you’ll have a […]

Is cannabis a psychedelic?

Written by Emma Stone If you’ve experimented with weed and journeyed with psychedelics, you’ll know that the two experiences overlap in some ways but diverge in others. Hallucinogenic experiences such as distortions in time, perceptual changes, or loss of motor skills may occur after consumption of either cannabis or psychedelics, but are these similarities sufficient for […]

Magic mushrooms and acid: What are the differences?

Written by Emma Stone Magic mushrooms, or shrooms edibles, and LSD, or acid, are two of the most common psychedelics and they have a lot of similarities. Both are recognized as classic psychedelics, with a meaningful influence on science and culture, and both have been identified as physiologically safe with a low risk of sparking dependency in consumers. What’s […]

Magic Mushrooms Dosage Guide

Written by Nick Jikomes, PhD Psychedelic mushrooms, or magic mushrooms, belong to the genus Psilocybe. These fungi are capable of producing psilocybin, a compound associated with psychedelic effects.  But how much psilocybin is actually found in the most common Psilocybe species, and how should you think about dosing dried magic mushrooms or psilocybin-containing products? What is the active drug […]